The Ice Cream Man - Bomb-pops and Brain Freeze

The trio sat at the Omaha Upstream Brewery table, “I’m telling you Jacque, the clock is ticking and you need a best seller…now! Your last decent book was what, three years ago?!” Amanda wasn’t just riding his case because she was his editor…well, yeah she was. Her paycheck was suffering too. She’d vested in this southern boy the moment she heard one of his New Orleans weird-crimes stories; she knew he had a future. Jacque put his cold mug down next to his latest book and wiped his frothy chin, “You don’t have to tell me. The poor turn-outs for these book tours you’ve lined up for me speak volumes. I just need one good story to fall in my lap; I know I can spin a great tale out of it. That’s why I brought Horace along; a skilled photographer who can add reality to the story.” And that’s when the young tattooed gal approached, “Excuse me. Are you that famous author on the back of that book?”