Part 2: The Dare conclusion – by Kevin Ross

As the grandfather clock grew silent after chiming for the 13 th time, the kids’ whimpering filled the void…crying due to being scared shitless or from the injuries of their tumbles down the stairs. Panicked, Harry jumped up and ran to the front door jiggling the handle feverously but without success. “It’s stuck! Where is Roger; I want to get out of here…now. Did you hear noises coming from the basement? Fighting? Is Roger with the others downstairs having scared them with another ‘Jump Scare’?” And that’s when Harry and Charles notice Joey calmly stroking a purring slate-grey cat he was holding. “Is that what rushed in front of you at the top of the stairs causing us to tumble?” Charles had to blink twice and shake his head still groggy from the tumble…for he could almost swear the cat’s lips were moving as if talking to Joey. “Poor thing. I think we scared it. I think it lives in the basement and needs us to go down to fill its water dish and food tray.” As if Joey had lost...