Doom Train: GM- Geoff

Settings and Time Period : London, 1923. Hook : Members of the Oriental Club are intrigued by a newspaper report of possible human combustion of a railway enthusiast. [ The Oriental Club , Stratford House/London, consists of gentlemen who have resided in the East. A great majority of its members are persons who are living at home on fortunes amassed during their Eastern ventures. Their days filled with conversations usually centered on foreign matters. The old Smoking Room is adorned with an elaborate ram's head snuffbox complete with snuff rake and spoons. Women not allowed till 1952.] Margrave Milos Valinchek (Alex); 30yo – APP20, War Hero and Firearms Salesman. Despite his ugly appearance, Milos is a successful firearms salesman. He fought in the Czechoslovak Legions in Russia during the Great War. Where he became a war hero having rescued a fellow soldier from a mustard gas attack by sharing his mask. This came at a cost, as his face was per...