Of Sorrow and Clay.P2 Conclusion

Blaine 38yo (Robert), Eugene 40yo (Mikc), Lorelei 37yo (Arbor), 19yo twins: Pistol (Mike) and Faith (Bill) Summary : Even the older kids (Blaine and Lorelei) didn’t know much about Pa’s first wife (Sadie) gone missing 45 years ago. Other than rumors spread while waiting for the corn mash to ferment in the stills. Some say how she done run away pregnant and wanting an abortion (against Pa’s wishes). Others described their constant fighting. Whatever; gone and forgotten and soon replaced by our mother, Annabelle. She died barely 2 years after the twins were born. But come to think about it, the older kids don’t remember seeing her pregnant. They remember those 9 months she spent at her mother’s house being cared for through labor. But now to hear there are even MORE siblings?! Noon, Sunday, March 30 th : Seeing their deformed siblings in the cave was shocking enough. Birthed by none other that some unholy version of Sadie!! But to see Jack blasted by Eugene and turn to ash that...