Robert Douglas’ Will.v3.P1

Hook/Character Creation : You were best friends and freshmen together in 1915 at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Whether you graduated or went to war in 1917 is up to you. In 1919 Robert Douglas married Ellen and moved to Calgary, Canada. It is now 1923 when you received the invite to the reading of his will, in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. Strange that he didn’t send his usual Christmas card last December. Or update his address. Carmen Vigil, Painter/Poet (Andrew): 23yo Spanish (Asturian) heritage gifted her looks and charm, but the English poet/painter William Blake’s darker words and brush strokes guided her own artistic expression, trying to portray a world tarnished by the ravages of war and the influenza epidemic. She moved to Seattle late last year from Arkham, MA for a fresh start from a harrowing experience on the streets of the infamous city. Younger cousin to Ellen Douglas . Calvin Williams, Elected Official (Justin): 27yo b...