
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Russians Are Coming! (Keith's scenario)

Written/GMed by Keith Craig Intro : October 18, 1961 Fairbanks, Alaska. Jane paused when it came time to sign the non-disclosure: should she use her given name of Alpha Centauri Westman? She changed her name in college to make it harder for aliens to track her. The town mayor sat beside Colonel Jack London who gave the briefing, “Now that you have signed your non-disclosure agreements… 4 days ago, while we had a no-fly order in effect ( Operation Sky Shield II ), we saw strange radar returns coming from an area 250 nm from here. Our maps show the area without civilization. Surveillance overflight found nothing, but it could be a crashed Soviet plane buried under the snow. Finding such would help us get our man back (aka, Gary Powers recently shot down in his U2). Any questions?” 2 nd LT Billy Oakley ; 24yo (Bill): 6-months out of Officer-Training-School. A freckled baby-faced son from a military family. Patriot hell-bent on stopping the Communist threat, “Do good on