Doors to Darkness/Mr Corbitt

Victoria (Bill) mob accountant Eloise (Hannah) - cop Dragon (Haven) - acrobat Maxwell (Tony) - conman Victoria calls the group to her ‘Little Italy’ house in New York to distribute the Carrington reward from their last investigation up in Ipswitch. Eloise parks her car in the driveway as Dragon and Max get out, drawing attention from the neighborhood watch, Ms Judith Johnson. Max notices the flutter of window curtains down the street and decides to add a scandalous flair, draping his arms over the two girls’ shoulders. Dragon brushes the arm away, “Not in a million years.” Eloise uses her police training to do one better, grabbing Max’s pinky to then twist his arm behind his back. As they climb the porch, they turn their heads to the sound of another car puttering to a stop across the street. A middle-aged man gets out, carrying 2 canvas-wrap...