Part 2 (Conclusion) - Crimson Letters: Witch Way is Up?
Dr Herman Bunyard (Bill) WWI Marine Corpsman | With his coon-dog 'Slim' at his heels | A throwback to the French-and-Indian war |
It’s a late Friday afternoon 25 minute walk to Leiter’s
house just off campus. Neighborhood of small 2-story houses with porch and wooden
picket fences. Street lights just coming on but darkness at the professor’s
house as expected. Still, we decide to sneak up in case someone else is poking
around. So much for sneak as Philipe finds THE loose porch board….”CREEEAAK.”
Using the key provided by Dean Fallon, Philipe and Zeb enter
the house as Herman pauses at the stuffed mailbox. Atlantic City casino
advertising, a 3rd Notice
letter from the Atlantic City Hotel and Casino, and a letter from one Arkham Sanatorium. “Hey, look at
this. Huge hotel bill; quite the poor gambler. And this letter from the asylum
regarding a ‘Cecil Hunter’ the professor checked in. Philipe, didn’t you say
that artwork was signed by a ‘CH’?” Meanwhile, Philipe has other things on his
mind upon entering the dark house as he calls out, “Lucy? You home?”
Clattering, pans hitting the floor, then footsteps of someone running out the
Herman is too deaf to have heard the intruder, so he is
surprised when Philipe knocks him aside rushing out the house to go around
back. Zeb stumbles thru the dark house trying to find the back door. Herman
steps in to find the light switch. “Click, click.” Nothing. No power. Either
blown fuze or another bill not paid. At least the doctor has a flashlight to
finally give Zeb lighting. Meanwhile Philipe rounds the side of the house just
in time to see a college-aged man climbing the fence. Pursuit. The man stumbles
on a root and falls; P rushing forward to stand over him with tomahawk drawn,
“Let me guess, Tony?” Flinders indeed and the poor man has soiled himself as he
squeaks, “Did you kill him? Do you have the papers?” P marches the man back to
the house all the while trying to gain control as Tony continues to babble. “I
said shut up. I’ll ask the questions.” Useless threats that only make the
pee-stain grow larger.
Tony is pleading for his life, offering anything. Knowledge.
“Read the papers. They tell how Keziah Mason was the ONE true witch. Child
killer. Had a familiar…had magic…could control people. She was captured and put
to death by fire. But apparently the papers record claims she made with her
dying breath. I was hoping to read those papers to prove my theory. Emelia is
the witch incarnate. That’s how she won the job over me. She bewitched
professor…” Philipe had enough of the man besmirching the young aid of
professor Leiter, as he slaps him around, “I said shut up.”
The neighbor’s light comes on as a face peers out. Philipe yelling, “Nothing to see out here! Mind your own business.” She goes back
inside but can be seen reaching towards her wall for her phone. With flashlight
on, we lead Tony inside the house. The den a mess; papers dumped on the floor, file
cabinet tipped over. “Busy burglar weren’t you.” Tony pleads innocence, “It was
that way when I got here.” We assume the dean and professor Roach would have
been more careful when they came to collect the inventory.
Tires squeal as Zeb hears a car pull up. Then footsteps on
the creaky porch to then hear the front door creak open. Damn the cops are
quick around here. Except we hear, “Come out. No need for violence. Just here
to collect a debt. $11K to be exact. He’s got a safe in here somewhere.” Mafia.
Philipe and Tony in hiding. Zeb sneaking around the house lowers his rifle at
the sight of tommy-guns drawn. Herman steps into their flashlight to plead our
case. Lenny and Mac don’t believe Leiter is dead, “Just a plot to weasel out of
his debt.” Herman agrees to take them to the morgue as proof.
As they drive away, P prods Z, “Don’t just stand there.
There’s a safe to be found.” Sure enough, upstairs, bedroom, behind a hollow
wall. Slide panel. But the safe is open and empty. Almost an hour has passed
before the pair hear more footsteps and panting from someone out of breath,
“Problems. BIG problem. Leiter’s not dead!”
Along the drive, the mobsters admit THEY trashed the house
looking for the safe and money. They’d paid the neighbor to call and report if
anyone came by. The mobsters usher Herman out of the car and down the steps to
the morgue. Gun in the face of Dr. Wheatcroft who WAS locking up. Room feeling
colder than before. Slab pulled out as Lenny compares a photo to the corpse
face, “I’ll be damn. It is him. Guess…” His sentence cut off as a hand rises from the slab to
grab his collar and pull him down. “CRUNCH!” Gurgling screams as Lenny’s throat
is bitten. The now lifeless body tossed across the room with inhuman strength.
The zombie sitting up to then spit out an Adams apple. Herman already running
out the door, stepping over the fainted coroner. Even the deaf doctor can hear
the tommy-gun blazing…then more screams…then silence.
Herman now back at Leiter’s house telling the story only
confirms Tony’s claims, “I told you, she’s a witch. She re-animated the dead.”
He’s interrupted as the phone rings. A whispering harsh voice, “Come join your
friends here at the morgue.”
To hell with that as we rush to Leiter’s office; Philipe
wanting to check on Emelia’s safety. We pass police who are cordoning off the
morgue. Upon seeing Tony, Emelia spews, “What’s HE doing here?!” Both accusing
each other of stealing the papers. Zeb distracted by a reddish glow down the
hall. Fire? “Keep your door locked as we investigate.” No smoke, no fumes, the
reddish glow pulling away disappearing inside Dr. Roach’s office. Dark. No
power. Flashlight on, we open the door.
Milton is slumped in his desk chair. Head back, eyes rolled
up, scream frozen on his lifeless face. Dead less than an hour. Tony rushes in
in a desperate search of the papers scattered on the floor. “It’s not here.”
But Z’s search of the desk uncovers a slip of paper (9-44-26). Safe combo? We
bang on the walls in search. Behind a painting, Z finds an outline, “Found it.” Zeb pulls out yellowish old papers.
“Careful” as Tony rushes forward with gloves. “It’s not here. Yes the ‘Witch Papers’ but a page is missing. You must have pocketed it.” Tony has lost it, as in a craze he swings at Zeb. But Z gets the better of the madman - rifle butt to his nose. T crumples to the floor, unconscious.
“Careful” as Tony rushes forward with gloves. “It’s not here. Yes the ‘Witch Papers’ but a page is missing. You must have pocketed it.” Tony has lost it, as in a craze he swings at Zeb. But Z gets the better of the madman - rifle butt to his nose. T crumples to the floor, unconscious.
Herman lifts the papers from T’s hands, cautiously examining
the papers. Not anxious to read them surmising Tony did that and that’s what
entranced him. From Philipe, “We found what we were hired for. Let’s take them
to Fallon for our reward. Don’t cheat me out of my money again, doc.” Herman
gently puts the papers in his medical bag.
But first a check on Emelia’s safety. No answer. We open the
door to find the room empty and her 2nd floor window open. [It’s
only P who keeps secret about finding rodent marks leading to a heating vent.
On his knees peering in, he sees a human faced rat scampering away.] The
tension too great, Herman busies himself at the bookcase, face buried in a
book. His mania. P has had enough and
shakes T awake, kicking him out the door, “And don’t come back unless you’ve
got news.” Tony staggers away still accusing Zeb of stealing the page.
We walk across the quad to the dean’s office. Lights on but
they flicker as Herman gets closer. We knock but no answer. The door locked.
Shoulders and feet to the door before it finally cracks open. The dean at his
desk, head back, carvings on his forehead. Philipe recognizes the runes, “A
curse spell. Send Mind.” Herman checks the body further. Recent death. And his
heart carved out!!
Zeb finds small footprints; a female? Apparently stepped in
the dean’s blood and tracks it to the door. P stoops to look in the heating
vent spying more rodent prints. “I’d guess her familiar was here too.” Herman
has turned to return to Emelia’s building to check her library for clues. He
hasn’t heard the footsteps of someone limping up the steps. Tony with pistol in
hand pointed at Zeb. “Hand it over. I know you have the page. There is rumored
to be a spell on it. I want that spell.” Delusional. Philipe feints taking the
student’s side to gain closer positioning. Swing and a miss; Tony swinging the
barrel towards P. Herman steps forward to swing a fist, and Tony
collapses…again. P ties the pest up.
Strange to see Philipe tearing curtains down, ripping them
into 3 inch wide strips that he carries with him as we return to Emelia’s
building. P stays outside stuffing the cloth into each vent he can find,
“Blocking any escape route for that familiar.” Zeb and Herman continue inside.
But as they get closer to her room, Herman’s medical bag begins to jostle. An
invisible person tugging at it? More something inside trying to get out. And
growing from inside as the bag seams begin to split. Herman drops the bag, just
in time to see a ghastly creature emerge…a mass of worms coalescing into the
form of a bear…with tentacles!
“PHILIPE!!!” Failed sanity by the pair. Zeb
staggers with loss of hearing and dexterity. Herman can only pick at his skin
till it bleeds. Philipe has his own problems as Emelia confronts him,
“Too late. Let them go.” A spell, as she mentally suggest the Frenchman resume his vent stuffing.
“Too late. Let them go.” A spell, as she mentally suggest the Frenchman resume his vent stuffing.
It’s a struggle for life and Sanity. Slowed, Zeb’s shots
continue to miss the gummy worm bear. Herman regains enough Sanity to draw a
flare that he ignites to attack the bear. But the worms pulse and elude the
flare as the bear advances on the doctor. Tendrils from the bear slash at both
Meanwhile, Philipe shakes off his trance and rushes inside to find the
witch. He can hear her casting from within her room; high-pitched trilling
ululations…casting the “Song of Casters.” And as the witch sees the Frenchman,
she casts. P can see and feel his skin blister and popping. Which screws his
aim as his pistol shot misses. But pressing thru the pain, Philipe manages a
steady aim and fires once more (002) blowing the bitch’s head clean off. P
rushes toward his companions to attack the bear, lighting his flask of whiskey
to toss but misses the wormy-bear.
Herman’s Sanity is melting away as the bear now hovers over
his tormented body. The doctor’s eyes already turning a milky white. Screams as
his mind is lost forever. Zeb fairs better, taking a major wound that kills him
outright…no torturous life of insanity. But all is not lost. The scattered
papers catch fire from the broken whiskey flask. The flames grow and stretch
toward the rafters, engulfing the beast, that shoots upwards past the exposed
rafters escaping into the night sky.
If there were any students hanging about the quad on this
horrific night, they would have seen a ruffled Frenchman dragging a body from
the building and calling out. “Come Slim. You have a new master now. Be a good
dog. As for you, doctor Herman. The least I can do is check you into a
sanitarium. I mean now that you have willingly given me YOUR part of the ransom
There was no spell on the missing page. Had the
investigators taken the time to read the ‘Witch Trial’ papers, they would have
read about one witch named Keziah Mason. And they would have read claims by the
dying witch to be a student from the 1920s.
Keziah had reached out into the world and switched minds with one Emelia Court from Miskatonic University. She waited to go on a killing spree till she knew who had the papers (she didn’t know Roach had stolen them).
Keziah had reached out into the world and switched minds with one Emelia Court from Miskatonic University. She waited to go on a killing spree till she knew who had the papers (she didn’t know Roach had stolen them).
The papers central to the beast. The wormy-bear was an
alien that Keziah had entrapped in the papers back in the 1600's. It's bonds were weakened when Professor
Leiter decided to try and forge the papers (by Cecil Hunter, insane and in the
sanatorium having read the papers during his forgery). The creature is able to
affect anyone (living or dead) that spent more than a day with the papers. Thus the creature was able to animate Dr.
Just like the last micro-seconds before her death from
Philipe’s shot. How she reached out into the void switching minds with another
student walking the campus. Irony that she chose Tony Flinder’s body to occupy.
Irony that Tony finally succeeded in learning the truth of the last page. Now
knowing all the hidden truths of witches, since he is one now. Keziah getting
used to a man’s body.
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