Part 1 - Dead Light: Road Kill...almost

K yle Gunther (Aaron) is a 35 year old independent assassin. Answered an ad from a Guido looking to put a hit on a client who refuses to pay up. Two muscles didn't get the message through, so Kyle is hired to send a message to other clients. That being the death of one Arturo Cabelli, proprietor of Lulu's Diner (aka speakeasy) up in Bolton 4 hours north . Kyle has his own car, used, but self-maintained since Kyle has Electrical and Mechanical Repair skills. [ But his beginning failed Mechanical Repair roll suggests some faulty wiring that will raise its head later. Leaves Boston around 6pm this late spring evening. AFTER purchasing a map for his drive and destination. Driving rain, horrendous storm... the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a century. Despite racing against the rain on your way northwards, the storm finally caught up with you in earnest and with it the night has fallen, abyssal black and riven by lightning. Conditions on the rain-swept road forc...