Miracle Drug
Friday, 6 July, 2018. Liberty, Missouri.
30 years as an Army grunt, now retired, and I’m selling
myself as a “Security Consultant” since I lack a P.I. license. Then the break
when a relatively new pharmaceutical company (ZyMedBio) hired me. Took time to
research the company before the interview…learned a few buzzwords.
A chance to
build my new resume, till I learned all they wanted me to do was play P.I.
keeping an eye on a “dangerous disgruntled ex-employee” named Marina Kolga. $23K
offer for a month or two work? Hell yeah; it’s a start. Maybe a probationary
assignment that will get me permanent employment.
3 weeks of surveillance of the lawyer. Hacking her
computer was a breeze. But nothing. No suspicious web searches, no files of
collected articles accusing ZyMed of any wrong-doing. Not even cookies to
suggest she visits porn sites. The girl sits at home reading romantic comedies
while actively looking for another job. Not much of a report I turned in a few
days ago. But instead of a paycheck, I’m asked to “bring her in for questioning…
at night. Then we’ll pay the balance of your salary.”
OK, now they’re crossing the line. I’ll confront Marina
but it’ll be HER decision to accompany me to her old employers. At least my snooping
revealed she’s attending a party at her neighbor’s house tonight. I’ll crash
the party, observe her, try to get her talking about ZyMed, and see where
things go. The party at Chuck Ogle’s house is a big turnout…50+ cars.
“Hello. Welcome. Chuck will be out shortly. Can you
believe the poor man having a goodbye party. Diabetes already claimed his feet,
now lower legs. Help yourself…there’s beer, wine, and other stuff…if you know
what I mean.” Mingling with the crowd reveals a few faces I recognize:
Boteler (Bill)
ex-army, now Security Consultant. Bring in Marina.
Kolga (Carl)
lawyer 6-months out of law school. Fired because she refused to “voluntarily
participate” in the test programs. Knows Chuck is a patient of ZyMed;
interrogate him.
Phillips (Tim)
42, police
officer. Assigned case of assault outside ZyMed. His chief Dawson, Stage IV
pancreatic cancer, also ZyMed patient, now “cured” orders investigation shutdown.
Going to party as date with nurse Mary Fuller (Chuck’s cousin): opportunity to
question Chuck about ZyMed…something’s up!
Clawson (Chuck)
journalist. Writing article about ZyMed when his editor boss ordered him to kill
the story. Something’s up: boss “was” HIV+ with AIDs till treatment by ZyMed.
Invited to party since he’d interviewed Chuck for his research. Now
opportunity to dig for more info despite his boss’ orders.
Norwich (Tony)
doctor. Focus on sickle-cell disease (SCD); currently non-treatable. But
patient of hers returned from ZyMed now “cured.” ZyMed refuses to discuss
matter. Nurse Mary Fuller mentions her cousin Chuck Ogle was ZyMed patient.
Thus attending party to question him about the treatment.
Within the hour all conversations dwindle as the host
arrives, wheeling himself out of a side room. Late 40s, severely overweight, shawl
over his legs. “Thank you. Thank you all for coming. As you know I’ve been wasting
away from diabetes. Not anymore! I’ve been cured!” Murmurs, then gasps as Chuck
pushes himself up out of the wheelchair, his shawl falling away, revealing what
looks like real legs below the knees. And shoes. Prosthetic legs? “I owe it all
to ZyMed and their miracle drug Zylactis.”
Marina is already at his side striking up conversation
about ZyMed. Playful banter leads to drinks and invite to his room, Marina
accepting his romantic flirting. Most of us noticing Chuck slipping a powder
into her drink…noticing even Marina notices but still accepts the drink as she
closes the door behind them! The lecherous Chuck disrobes to show his nubbed
feet, “That’s not all that’s growing bigger. May I kiss you?” Marina tries to
slow the tempo still asking about ZyMed, till Chuck’s tongue flicks out…over 2
feet long! She dodges, noticing the slimy mark on the wall where the tongue
struck. Sizzling acid burn smolders. The bandage on Chuck’s hand falls away
revealing a claw as he swipes at her. Another dodge as Marina scrambles for the
door yelling obscenities.
Wade disbelieves the claims of attack; Marina saw the
doctored drink and still entered the room. She’s just hallucinating from the
drugs. Belinda is more comforting asking if she should report the sexual assault.
Chuck is in complete denial as he rebandages his hand, “She led me on. I
thought it was consensual. Tongue? Claw? What else did she snort besides the
lines in my room?” Elliot tries to comfort the host. Even Gus seems to take his
side…not accusing but questioning events. A lot of questions about ZyMed, “Could
there be side-effects of this Zylactis you mentioned?”
But the horny host is aroused, asking to see other women
at HIS party. Elliot offering to be his intermediary, asking the women for him.
Really just making a show, asking them to wink at Chuck but shake their heads
no. Gus goes one step further offering a hooker. But his call is really to his
cop-partner Jennifer, “Come to this address as an undercover cop.” With Chuck
out of his room, Belinda enters to check the medicine cabinet. Finds insulin
known as diabetes treatment. Nothing else.
Meanwhile Wade tries to hack Chuck’s
computer (00). He searches the desk instead finding ZyMed brochures and letter
detailing treatment every-other day for the next 2 weeks.
When the hooker arrives, Belinda leaves, “You’re all Bill
Cosbys!” Gus actually joins Chuck and the hooker as they retire to the room.
Within minutes, screams, “WTF?!”
Wade rushes to open the door, pausing in
revolt and disbelief at the sight of Chuck’s tongue lashing out at Gus whose
face is scarred with deep gashes. Chuck’s clawed hand raised again. Jennifer in
the corner screaming hysterically. Elliot rushes in to bust spokes to disable
the wheelchair as Gus fights back with the butt of his gun. 4 against 1; Chuck
soon falls.
Gus stops Jennifer from calling in the attack, “Remember
Chief Dawson shutdown the investigation. Do you really think he’d believe a
story about a claw-man and his tongue? Besides, he’s a ZyMed patient too. What
could HIS side-effect deformities be?” Marina cuts off the tongue and stuffs it
into a sack, careful of the acid, “Just what I need to confront my old boss Jim
Conaty at ZyMed. But first find his address. He runs every morning; so, we
break in and hack his computer. Steal his security badge so we can enter ZyMed
and do our own research.” The plan set, Gus takes Chuck in under drug charges
where his fellow cops remind him, “We can only hold him for 24 hours unless you
want to press charges of assaulting a police officer.” Gus nixes that idea as
he doesn’t want Chief Dawson involved.
Come Saturday morning, we all arrive at the ZyMed
building, including doctor Belinda, “Mary told me what happened after I left.” The
parking lot mostly empty. Gus offers up a shotgun to Marina, “Just in case.” We
follow Marina as she swipes in. Empty receptionist desk. 3 doors down the hall
(Security, Camera, Maintenance). Gus and Wade stop at the Security room as the
others continue down the west Administrative wing. The Security room empty,
they check the Camera room. Static on most screens beside the active camera
covering the parking lot. Then a voice, “Welcome Mr. Phillips. Have you come to
check-in for treatment of your own cancer? When will you police realize your station
water is contaminated? And Mr. Boteler, what brings YOU here?” Wade scrambles
in thought, “I brought Ms Kolga here as requested.” In reply, “Is that her
swiping into the west wing? Come, come. Haven’t you come to signup your mother
for treatment? Tell me, has she suffered more stokes?” Gus barks out, “Who the
hell are you and how do you know so much?” Wade’s reaction is to smash the
speaker and rush out of the room, “You can find anything via google searches.”
Meanwhile, the others come upon the accountant office
where Mr. Maskler labors. Hearing their approach, “Have you come for your
paycheck? Have you filed your tax forms?” As Marina pauses to placate the
employee, she gasps at his sight…large bulbous eyes look up at her as she also
notices his rubbery-green skin. She and the others rush past till they come to
Mr. Conaty’s office where his secretary Blanche sits. A bird-like creature
looks up at them, “What are you doing here?” All stare at the feathers and beak
as Blanche challenges their presence, strutting forward toward Marina to “peck
out your eyes.” As Marina dodges, Belinda grabs the table lamp and throws. Which
gives Marina time to draw the shotgun, “BLAM!” Feathers fill the room. Suddenly
an alarm sounds, “Intruder Alert.”
All can hear the slam of metal grates sliding down the
windows and outside doors. They’re trapped! Gus tries calling out on his
cellphone…static. Belinda tries a desk phone…static. Marina finds an
appointment book listing schedules for Chief Dawson, the editor Mr. Callison,
Chuck Ogle, and others. The desk-phone suddenly rings, Gus picking up, “So Mr.
Phillips have you reconsidered…” he slams the phone down. The intercom comes
alive, “Dr. Norwich, surely YOU recognize the benefits we offer. We? Why we are
the mothers’ chosen. The goat of the woods.” Belinda actually enters
conversation as if she is supportive. It’s an effort to pull her away.
Finding a key-ring in the drawer they continue down the
hall, stopping at a door labeled ‘Anak brothers’. The owners. Portraits over their
desks: an obese man looks more like a toad, while the other picture looks more
emaciated man looking more like a praying-mantis. Their calendar lists them now
in Croatia. Writings on their desks mention Shub-Niggurath and the phrase “The Black Goat
of the Woods with a Thousand Young.” And
the etching…
Enough. It’s time to backtrack to the east Research wing.
At the entry lobby, we stop at the Maintenance door, pulling circuit breakers
hoping to stop the alarm. Yet the alarm continues in the pitch blackness; so,
we reset the breakers and continue to the wing. A key from Blanche’s ring
unlocks the door. A skeleton at the desk offers forms, “Only patients are
allowed in.” Elliot attacks with a fire-extinguisher, Wade with a desk stapler,
and Gus with his gun butt. Soon bones litter the floor.
Voices call out from the background, “Where’s my meds?” Going
forward, we find patients in their rooms. Glass windows in the locked doors
allow us to see them. Four dogs turning into humans; at least human faces. [The
creatures of the parking lot attack Gus originally investigated.] Another hallway with 3 doors labeled (Storage,
Electrical, Refrigeration). Four 55 gallon barrels in storage; all with
chemical names that sound volatile. [1. Triethylamine-flammable, 2. Diethylamine-corrosive, 3. Ethylenediamine-acts like quicklime when touched by
water, 4. Ethanol-also flammable but not as potent as #1.] Belinda finds the refrig room has racks and
racks of vials either labeled with patient’s blood or Zylactis. She takes
samples of each.
Another door is labeled “Tertiary Storage.” Through the
glass window we see more flasks of a milky white substance. And some of that
white slim is climbing the walls! We continue down the hall coming to another
door labeled “Milking Room.”
Oh hell no! Further along we find a roll-up garage
door with 3 cattle-prods hanging in front. We take them. Behind us, stairs lead
down. The hum of electrical equipment draws us down. Except for Dr. Belinda
still packing her samples.
Marina is the first down and first to recoil from shock
at the form before us. What can only be described as a tree stands in the
center of the server room. Its branches more tentacles plugged into the servers
manipulating them. Then the familiar voice, “I see you have come to join us.
Yes, partake of mother’s milk.” The guys (Gus, Elliot, Wade) scramble up the
steps as Marina pumps her shotgun at the creature. We rush to the Storage
locker for the barrels but Belinda blocks our path, “Are you crazy? Do you even
know what each chemical is, let alone what triggers it? I’m a doctor and can
tell you. But you must only take small amounts else you burn the whole building
down.” Elliot insistent, “Listen crazy bitch, get out of my way. YOU go peek
down the stairs and you’ll know why we need the entire barrel worth!”
Pushing her out of the way, Elliot tips the 3rd
barrel [Ethylenediamine-water accelerant] rolling it town the stairs. Yelling at Marina to get out of the way, he
then tips the 4th barrel we all recognize as Ethanol, opens the top,
and rolls it too toward the stairs. Elliot then dips the cattleprod into the gas
igniting the trail. “Woosh!” Then “BOOM.” The creature now at the top of the
stairs for all to see, barely burning. Whatever the 3rd barrel is, fails
to detonate. At least Belinda gets to see the creature. Failed Sanity. She
begins laughing hysterically before running away down the hallway.
Wade rolls out the 2nd barrel [Diethylamine-corrosive/no accelerant] as he warns the others, “Get
out of here. I’ll shoot it to detonate it.” But before he can take aim the
creature screeches at him (casting a spell). Wade screams in shock and pain as
his eyes melt away. Marina returns to take aim but the shotgun pellets only
vent the barrel. No explosion. Gus returns to the storage room tipping the last
barrel#1 [Triethylamine-flammable/highly volatile] he rolls toward the creature, “Get out of here.” Marina grabs Wade’s arm
dragging him away to the sounds of Gus’ repeated murmurs, “Protect and Serve, serve and protect.” Gunshot, then another (had to burn luck)…KABOOM.” The explosion
vaporizing Gus and concussing Marina and Wade further down the hallway.
The Sunday paper front page contains pictures and short
story of the fire and total destruction of the ZyMed building. Cause listed as
faulty wiring; author Elliot Clawson. Wise enough to not print the truth.
Marina continues her search for a new job. The stolen letterhead from ZyMed used to write a letter of recommendation. It's not like anyone will surface to claim forgery.
Tuesday paper, page 3, a short article mentioning a bio-site leak (from the ZyMed building) into the local water supply.
The same Tuesday paper, page 8, mentions the disappearance of both the local Chief of Police and the Newspaper Editor. What no-one knows: Chief Dawson turned into a bulldog now roaming the streets. Editor Anthony Callison is flying somewhere over the city as an owl.
Wade Boteler can be found in the same nursing home as his mother. Undergoing training to learn how to live blind. If only he could erase the memories, he'd willingly accept his blindness!Marina continues her search for a new job. The stolen letterhead from ZyMed used to write a letter of recommendation. It's not like anyone will surface to claim forgery.
Dr. Belinda Norwich has moved out of Liberty and now
resides in Boise, Idaho where she is in the process of opening her own start-up
company based on the samples she removed from ZyMedBio.
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