Part 2: In a Different Light (Midnight Snack-Attack)

FROM THE BEGINNING : [Having discovered records of the November 1921 City Council Special Session approving a new light project for the southside, they now turn their sights toward MU’s Dr. Hayes who presented the 3 options that included the new light. But first…] [Brian/Herbert (reporter) was absent; Max decided to retire Dr. Joseph and play Ms. Walker instead; Jonah suffering a ‘Bout-of-Madness’ and currently experiencing Underlying Insanity resulting in delusions. In addition to his kleptomania.] Monday, 17 April 1922; 1pm : Dr. Joseph’s secretary looks up as Donald enters his office with Jonah close behind, “I thought you’d forgotten. You already have 2 patients waiting whom you rescheduled from yesterday.” Donald pausing to check his schedule, and apologize to the men waiting, “I shouldn’t be long. You’re next.” Donald enters his office finding Jonah already settled on the couch, “Now how do...