Forget Me Not
His eyes flutter as he slowly begins to gain
consciousness. Someone screaming at the top of their lungs? He slowly lifts his
head and the screaming stops. Realization that wasn’t screaming, but rather a
car horn. His head was resting on the center pad of a steering wheel. Of a van
cradled on the shoulder of a road; teetering above the shoulder storm drainage.
Memory… faded… amnesia… who is he? Why was he in a van? Where was he? Pain.
Reaching for his nose, he finds blood. A glance in the rear-view mirror to confirm
his nose broken.
It’s not long before all are awake but groggy. All with amnesia. And apparently cursed as every cellphone broken. At least all have CA driver licenses, but their names meaningless: John, Jill, Simon, Albert, and Kevina. Jill and Albert dressed in business attire while everyone else wears comfortable slacks and t-shirts. And each has a “TSF” logo on his/her shirt/blouse, “Apparently we all work together.” And that’s when John realizes the van is equipped with On-Star, “Hello? I don’t know where we are but we need assistance. No major injuries; just send a tow truck. Michigan?! What the hell are we doing near Clio, Michigan? Never mind, just send a truck. I saw a sign that says McCumsey road.”
And that’s when he realizes he’s not along. Three others
tossed about on the back bench-seat, another slumped in the passenger seat
beside him. All unconscious if not dead. He reaches for his wallet, reading his
driver license, “John Hastings of Los Angeles, CA.” Moaning foretells at least
someone else alive, “What happened? Who are you? Who am I?” John can only
offer, “I’m as clueless as you little lady; but I’d suggest you check your
purse for an ID. And while you’re at it, check on the others in the back while
I step out to check the damage.” A long two-lane road between miles of
cornfields. Dusk hiding any other clues except the glow of a nearby city on the
horizon. And the faint outline of a farmhouse maybe a half-mile away. Cold,
windy, and drizzling.
It’s not long before all are awake but groggy. All with amnesia. And apparently cursed as every cellphone broken. At least all have CA driver licenses, but their names meaningless: John, Jill, Simon, Albert, and Kevina. Jill and Albert dressed in business attire while everyone else wears comfortable slacks and t-shirts. And each has a “TSF” logo on his/her shirt/blouse, “Apparently we all work together.” And that’s when John realizes the van is equipped with On-Star, “Hello? I don’t know where we are but we need assistance. No major injuries; just send a tow truck. Michigan?! What the hell are we doing near Clio, Michigan? Never mind, just send a truck. I saw a sign that says McCumsey road.”
A check of the glovebox reveals the rental contract,
signed September 15, 2018. Which explains the cold wind blowing across the
cornfields either side of the road. A drizzle coating everything, encouraging
all to wait inside the van. Electronics and wiring litter the far back of the
van. As they wait, they inspect each other: John’s broken nose, Simon sporting
a shiner, Jill with a cut eyebrow from her passenger seat introduction to the
visor during the crash, Al bleeding from his right ear more internal (can’t
hear a damn thing from that side), Kevina testing her new smile missing a front
tooth. “Hey, look. I found a hotel key in my purse. ‘America’s Best Value
Inn & Suites’ in Clio. Apparently, our boss has a small travel
budget.” All find a similar key, individual rooms: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. Jill begins a
raspy cough, “How long were we unconscious? My throat feels raw, maybe from
this chilly air?” Others chime in, “Yeah, mine’s raw too.”
Over a half-hour wait before ‘Dave’s Towing’ truck
rumbles into view. “I don’t see any damage, but to be safe, I’ll pull you back
onto the road then tow you in. Sorry, ya all have to cram into my cab; can’t
have ya riding in the van. What day is it? Why today is Sept 17th.”
Law abiding, Dave discretely smells each breath for alcohol and checks the van
for open containers. Something caused them to swerve off the road. “The ABV?
Yeah, that hotel is on this side of Clio. I’ll drop ya there then drop the van
off at Henry’s Repair shop.”
As they enter the hotel lobby, the clerk at the desk
looks up, “Back so soon? I thought you’d stay out there throughout the night.
Spooky, isn’t it? Say, where’s the red-head that checked all of you in?” As
most retreat to their rooms, Simon exits to find the closest bar, “I need
something to quince this sore throat and headache.” The neon sign draws him
across the street to Hal’s Bar & Grill. It’s a ‘Norm’ moment of
silence as all the patrons turn to view the new arrival before returning to
their drinks. Simon oh so polite as he barks, “What cha all staring at? Haven’t
you seen a wanna-be-drunk before? Barkeep, open a tab and line them up. This’ll
be a long night.”
Meanwhile, in their hotel rooms, the others soon discover
additional facts about themselves. John finds professional audio tape spools on
his bed. Each spool labeled with time-of-day and a different name. Interviews?
Too tired to think straight or care, John clears the bed and crashes.
Meanwhile, Kevina finds a manila folder on her desk; newspaper articles dating
from 1965 to 2011. She sits down to read. As for Jill, she finds a laptop with
file upon file of unedited video footage. A cursory view suggests they the
start of a B-grade movie. As for Albert, he finds a laptop, password protected
of course. No clue. But muscle memory guides his fingers to type out
“Wh0YaG0nnaCa11”. The screen opens to Outlook and his last email with Subject:
Cooper House. Clicking on Google, his screen opens to “The Supernatural Files”.
It’s after midnight when Al excitedly knocks on room 5,
“Jill, Jill. You’re not gonna believe what I found.” Soon all are comparing
their own finds. Well, except for John deep in slumber and rattling the windows
with his snoring. Or Simon who still seems to be planted on some bar-stool.
Thus, it’s not till morning breakfast when all are gathered to compare notes. All
surprisingly feeling rested, healthy, and ready to go. Even Simon, who by all
rights should be planted in his bed with a throbbing headache. “We’re a
ghost-busting team doing research on the local Cooper House. The redhead the
clerk mentioned is our producer, Lynn Cartwright. Al and Simon are the faces of
our show, John and Jill are the audio and camera crew, while Kevina is our
research gopher digging up all the facts.”
Kevina lays out her research, “In 1965 John Cooper
murdered his wife and son inside the farmhouse. He kept babbling something
about, ‘They were in us, me too’. John sentenced to life but he mysteriously
died in prison. 1979 a body was found in a cornfield near the farm on McCumsey
road. Then 1990 a teen girl goes missing after a group of kids dare to spend
the night in the house. 2011 brings a Canadian crew into town to film a horror
movie at the Cooper house. But the locals file an injunction to stop the ‘7 Gates
Film’ crew, claiming the horror image will stunt business.” John and Jill add
their part, “Apparently these last days we interviewed many locals about ghost
stories related to the farmhouse. But most of our equipment is missing; no
cameras, no microphones. Did we leave them somewhere or did some of the locals
steal our stuff to prevent our filming? Maybe THEY ran us off the road.”
The crew decides to backtrack the last days. John picks
up the van to then drop Simon and Al at the police station, but not before
stopping for donuts. The others continue to the farmhouse. Thinking the crew
HAD to get local permission, Simon and Al enter the station to a warm welcome,
“Bearclaws, my favorite! So, how goes the movie? The chief, yep, he’s in his
office. Just a minute.” Soon chief Donnie Mathews beckons them into his office,
“I got nothing else to offer. Oh, dotting eyes and crossing tees. Mathews with
one tee. Remember, the mayor wants final say on what you post about our fair
city.” Simon and Al say goodbyes before returning to the lobby and the other
cops, “Just wanted to ask once more if there are other stories or rumors you
care to share.” Al notices one cop quickly turning away to busy himself,
“What’s wrong with him?” “You mean James?” A stink-eyed glance tells Al to quit
prying as James excuses himself for a McDonald coffee and breakfast. Simon and
Al continue banter with the other cops before departing.
Around the corner, “Are you trying to get me in trouble?!
I told you to keep my name out of it.” Simon takes a hard approach with Lt James,
“I said I’d consider it. Listen, just repeat what you told us before.”
Reluctantly James summaries his youthful story of his own venture to the farm
with his friend Alexis. “Found a dead cat in the kitchen bloated and busting
open with a pile of small white spiders spilling out. Not real spiders as these
had various legs, some with 3 or 4 or more. Popped so easily. Then a shadowy
figure at the top of the stairs; both of us swearing we heard him say ‘Pa’.
Hell yeah, we ran from that place, never to return. But that was 20+ years ago.
Yeah, other cases of missing persons over the years. Four in the last year;
September and December of 2017, then March and June of this 2018.
Out-of-towners with their abandoned cars left in front of Hal’s Bar &
Meanwhile, John/Kevina/Jill arrive at the farm with a
prominent “For-Sale” sign planted in the yard. A 2-story house with separate
barn. Long abandoned and in decay. John happens to spot tire tracks that match
the van. Skid marks and the spray of gravel suggests they departed in a hurry.
The front door open and inviting. Inside, they find tripods and equipment left
in the livingroom. Kevina is off in search of the basement (unsuccessful) while
John climb the stairs looking for more equipment. Jill lugs the boom
microphones to the van commenting to no-one, “Thanks for the help.” Three
bedrooms upstairs littered by trespassers and drug-users. But no equipment, so
he heads back downstairs into the kitchen where he finds basement stairs,
“Found it.”
With flashlights in hand, they descend the stairs. The
light revealing movement; small white spiders plod along the dirt floor. John
retreats to the top of the stairs (arachnophobia), “I can see just find right
here. Tell me what you find.” Kevina follows the spiders which flow like ants
along a single path, disappearing at the cinderblock wall. Persistence till she
finds a seam suggesting a secret door which she kicks open. Jill edges past
John still guarding the top of the stairs as she joins Kevina in the basement.
The girls enter a narrow passage that opens to a round
dirt chamber. Spider things everywhere. Mounds of them. Jills sweeps her light
across the area spotting their missing handheld camera equipment. Kevina spots
fingerbones protruding from the mounds. Closer look reveals more bones. As she
edges closer, she just catches herself from falling as the floor drops off near
a mound. And in her stumble, her light sweeps across a face pulsing with bumps.
A redheaded body on the other side of the mound with spiders climbing in and
out of facial orifices. Kevina’s retching draws Jill closer with a camera in
hand; she too gagging and screaming at the sight. Despite her fright, she
manages to capture the scene for their film and for the police. Both scrambling
out of the passage and up the stairs, past John. “Gotta go. Go, go, go. Body.
Dead body. Poor Lynn. Call the police.”
All rejoin at the hotel. Al passing out burner phones he
purchased at the local mart to replace their broken cellphones. John and Jill
setup the recovered equipment to replay the last recordings, “Back it up 30
minutes or when we enter the farmhouse.” An attractive 30-year-old woman climbs
out of her Ford Edge, “I’m Vanessa, the real estate agent. Let me show you
around.” A casual tour of the house before she leads them downstairs into the
basement. Even John following as no spiders present. She points out the hidden
door with a story of supposed buried treasure which lures the group forward.
And that’s when Lynn calls out, “Vanessa, don’t close
that door!” Silence. Eerie silence before scuttling noises can be heard. Then
John squealing like a girl at the sight of spiders climbing out of the ground.
The camera sweeping the area with floodlights pointing to the growing mound.
Sounds intensifying to suggest something large approaching. A massive creature
tops the mound: spindly legs and other appendages on top. Then a human voice,
“Do you want to live?” Lynn resisting and thus consumed. The clue for the
others to accept their fate. The creature revealing, “You’ll be incubators of
my young.” And that’s when the appendages atop the thing are shoved into each
mouth. A pulsing flow of something pumped into each human.
Screaming erupts within the hotel room as each realizes
what has occurred to them. Kevina clawing at her skin that now seems to ripple
from something underneath. Albert rapidly blinking at the sight of something
floating across his vision. Floaters within his eyeballs. He rushes out of the
room to find the laundry room where he disconnects the washer hose. He then
goes to the van to open the gas cap to syphon gas in hopes of a drink to kill
his internal parasites. [CON99] But he gags and coughs at the fumes. barely
ingesting any gas at all. But enough to cough up small globs of blood and
spiders. As for Simon, he accepts his fate by shoving handfuls of sleeping
pills into his mouth.
John takes control, “Stick your finger down his throat to
make him vomit up those pills. We all need to confront and kill that thing. No
time to waste. Shop for guns, gas, torches. We need to eradicate that thing or
burn down the farm trying.” Two hours later the van pulls in front of the
farmhouse. Al making Molotov cocktails, then John walking around the house
pouring gas along the frame. Single file they enter the house and head for the
basement with John bringing up the rear. Jill crying at her fate while Kevina
stoically tries to comfort her, “First things first, we kill that spidery
bitch. Then we deal with these parasites.” Simon obliviously being led along,
still groggy from his pills. Al getting a Bic lighter ready with the Molotov in
hand. All focused on the task ahead and thus unaware of John’s actions. For had
they been listening to the “whoosh” above…
They creep thru the secret door and into the chamber. Telepathic?
Or sensing danger, the spiders boil from the chamber mound. John already
pouring more gas. Al lights the wick on his bottle and begins to toss the
fire-bomb (failed throw 34 versus 30; pushed 86). A high-arching throw that
prematurely breaks on the ceiling, igniting the gas fumes that already collect.
Fire racing to the floor and the poured gas. Baby spiders popping like zits,
but no mother spider. All turn to exit the fiery inferno, only to see flames
already at the stairs and in the kitchen. Then realization, “John, WHAT HAVE
YOU DONE!?” For indeed, John had come to terms with his fate and fear of
spiders. He sealed all spider-carriers inside the fire-trap. “NOOooooo!”
EPILOGUE: “Yes mam, rooms
three thru seven. I’ll open them for you. You say they want you to bring their
luggage to them at the farmhouse?” Vanessa followed the clerk to each room and
tipped him for helping to lug the luggage and equipment into her waiting truck.
All that professional and expensive equipment, Vanessa could only smile, “Now
that’s not a bad birthday present for a 73-year-old.” For indeed, the deal she
had made with the mother-spider those 40 years ago granted her youth. Vanessa
drove to her insurance agent to file claim on her destroyed farmhouse. Money to
rebuild over the ruins.
For unknown to everyone else, the house sat on top of a
tunnel network that stretched globally. All the way to England where the
mother-spider originated. Vanessa needed to rebuild quickly so she could lure more
sacrifices that would insure her continued youth. All in the name of Eihort.
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